
Brilliant Jobs for Brilliant Cleaners

Cleaners Needed

Cleaners Needed, Specialist Recruitment for Cleaning Professionals

Cleaners needed is a specialist recruitment company the works exclusively with cleaning professionals.


We help cleaners, housekeepers, maids, and specialist cleaners to find work


Our carefully selected partner companies are looking for hardworking experienced cleaners for a variery of roles in a variety of locations.


If you are looking for cleaning work then the best way to proceed is to click the button below and fill or our basic information form to let us know who you are, where you are and what you are looking for we will then be in contact with details of the opportunites we have available.



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Upcoming Book Clubs

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Sep 17, 2017

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Dec 25, 2017

Get in Touch

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Email: mail@demolink.org

Phone: (800) 123-456-7890

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